As the temperatures continue to dip and move closer and closer to the winter months, it’s time to start preparing for the cold weather. During the winter, we tend to spend a lot more time indoors, in the comfortable confines of our homes.
But we’re not alone in wanting to stay warm and avoid the outdoors in the winter. Many pests – rats especially – will be looking for a way into your home this year. The good news is there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening. Here are a few of them:
Cut Off Food Sources
Rats are like many animals in that they’re always looking for their next meal. And they might find it in an area you don’t expect. It’s important to store any food that isn’t in your fridge in a sealed container. Also be sure to keep your counters and floors free of crumbs. Check under appliances such as your stove and refrigerator to make sure there aren’t any loose crumbs down there. If they can’t get access to any food, rats are far less likely to enter your home.
Eliminate Clutter
If rats find entry into your home, they’ll immediately begin looking for a safe place, which they usually find among clutter. They’ll often find good hiding spots in the clutter, especially in low traffic areas like basements and attics. Doing some cleaning and organizing will cut down on the number of hiding spots rats will find in your home.
Keep An Eye on Firewood
If you have an active fireplace or wood-burning stove in your home, there’s a good chance you keep a stack of firewood nearby for convenience’s sake. Unfortunately, this can also be a convenient place for rats to spend time. To prevent this, you should keep your firewood a little way away from your home and elevate it at least 18 inches off the ground.
Identify Points of Entry
Rats can contort their bodies to fit into very small spaces, so even small cracks can allow them entry into your home. Look for any entry points in window screens, cracks in walls, and areas where your pipes enter your home.
If these measures fail and the rats find their way into your home, give Amherst Exterminators a call. We will examine the inside and outside of your home to determine the best way to handle your rat problem. Give us a call at 716.908.2475 today to set up a free estimate.